Are all Carbohydrates created Equal
Energy stores during exercise Most people who carry out frequent exercise are aware of the importance of their glycogen stores as an...
Unplug the secret to plugged lies
A common problem among amatures is the total loss of control when tryin to play a bunker shot with a plugged lie. Using the same...
Seated Theraband Bicep Curl
This exercise is great for strengthening and toning the front of the upper arm, biceps (biceps Brachii and brachioradialis). These are...
Top 10 Ab Exercises
Here are my Top 10 Ab exercises to make sure you have your beach body ready for summer! Crunches Bending your knees with your feet flat,...
The newest superhero in town….. Spirulina
A Glorious green or just green gunk? It’s hard enough keeping your diet in tip top condition on a day to day basis and with statements...
14 Club Drill
Problem: Many players struggle to visualise how different clubs will react when they play shots with them. Result: This leads to poor...
Stitches - Causes and Treatments
What is a stitch? A stitch is a localised pain experienced beneath the ribcage on the side of the body. Like cramps, they can vary in...
Abductor Theraband Exercise
This exercise helps to strengthen and tone the muscles and bones of the outer thigh and hips (Abductor). It improves the muscles which...
Extreme Muscle and Fitness Review
The Strongest Pre-Workout MR HYDE by ProSupps Today we are looking at a pre-workout that is supposedly the strongest currently available....
Cramps - Causes and Treatments
From children running around the school playground to triathletes, almost everyone has experienced a frustrating cramp or stitch at some...