Cheats never prosper....or do they?
When used in the right way, cheat reps can enable you to smash through plateaus, and destroy your current limits. Interested? Note: Cheat...
Optimising your core training
A lot of people make the mistake of being very repetative with their core training. Crunches, sit-ups, the occasional plank. These moves...
The Bodyweight Workout
With the development of modern gym equipment, the facilities available to us for our workouts are as advanced and varied as they have...
The Importance of the Contraction
When you see people training in a gym, you see a wide range of both good and bad techniques. Typically its women who have good form. They...
Getting Started in Fitness
Starting a fitness routine is one of the most rewarding things you can do. To some people, the gym may seem intimidating, boring or...