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Introducing Yoga and YogaHIIT

When most people think of yoga, they think of alot of flexible people sitting in a lotus pose chanting “Om” and meditating for hours on end. I’m not really into that! So, did you know that it can also be a very physically demanding and strengthening practice? It can make the body healthy, strong and flexible by detoxifying, rebalancing and aligning it.

This is really important, especially if you do a lot of sporting activities, as it can prevent injuries and help you to recover quicker if you are injured. Various footballers including Ryan Giggs are now extolling the virtues of practising yoga. Plus, the likes of Madonna, Sting and Gwyneth Paltrow have been practicing it for years.

It works with synchronising the breath with movement, so can help you to breathe easier (great for asthmatics). You can gain flexibility relatively quickly, especially if you breathe deeply into the postures, and not hold your breath. It can leave you feeling revitalised, rejuvenated and relaxed all at the same time!

You work with bodyweight poses so no need for any weights, allowing your muscles to gain length and strength. Sun salutations work you aerobically so building up a sweat, helping you to burn calories. There are plenty of modifications, so if a pose is difficult to begin with, there are always ways around it. Then once you have built up your strength and flexibility you can move on. It teaches you to listen to your body by not pushing yourself too far, too soon to achieve to perfect pose, by showing care and compassion.

Using my knowledge I have developed Yogahiit, a 45 minute class with a sun saluations as the warm up. 10 x 2 minutes of different yoga postures and moves with a 30 second break in between each, then a stretch/cool down and relaxation at the end. Whereas most yoga classes are 90 minutes, you get your "Yogahiit" in half the amount of time, whilst still getting all the benefits! This class is totally different to any yoga you will be imagining, so whether you have had good or bad experiences previously, it is worth giving this new style a chance!

There are 3 elements that come together within my style of yoga practice:

Vinyasa – breathing and movement synchronisation, a set number of breaths into and out of each pose. Each pose prepares you for the one that comes next, which then becomes a moving meditation.

Drishti – Gaze point or looking place. This is so the mind is focused and concentrated awareness is drawn to within the body.

Bandhas – Muscle contractions or energy seals. This is where the core is activated and strengthened as well as the pelvic floor.

All in all, for me, yoga is about the wonderful ways our bodies can work. It can help you to look better, feel better and move better. How great is that?

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