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Bunker Basics

When you first look to lower your handicap and improve in golf, a good place to start is to get comfortable playing a bunker shot, and feeling like you will get it out in one and on the green (close to the pin if possible!).

Firstly, open up your stance. This means to aim your feet to the left of the flag if you are right handed, the opposite if you are left handed. Make sure however, that you keep the clubface pointing at the flag. This will help us increase the loft of the club.

Now when you swing, make sure you do not hit the golf ball. When you are in a bunker you should aim to hit the sand around an inch and a half behind the ball.

The other problem common with beginners is to decelerate. Take a nice long back swing and be sure to accelerate through the shot and finish the swing with a full follow through, this way you wont slow up and 'duff' the shot, leaving the ball in the bunker.

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