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The Theraband Thigh Strengthener

The benefits of this exercise are many but it’s main advantage is that it can be done seated and so is ideal for anyone with balance issues. The level of resistance can be altered to make it progressive. It is a great exercise for rehabilitation after knee problems as it helps to stabilise it. It is a great exercise to strengthen the hips and thighs plus it helps improve walking and getting in and out of a chair or a car. It will work for all ages and levels of fitness and no expensive equipment required, just a theraband.

To perform this exercise sit on the front third of a sturdy chair such as a dining chair. Keep your back straight and chest lifted with a little tension in the abdominals (Do NOT lean backwards). Have your feet hip width apart. Keep one knee at a 90 degree bend, then place the middle of the theraband under the ball of the other foot. Place only the heel of that foot on the ground and pull your toes up slightly. Hold each end of the band in each hand. Pull your hands towards your hips to place resistance on the band (now keep your arms still). Press your heel forward like stepping on the accelerator in a car. Keep the knee ‘soft’ rather than locking it out. Keep the knee in line with the hip (and not higher than) if you suffer from hip problems. Slowly return to the starting position. If you need more resistance just place your hands lower down the band for added tension. Repeat on the other leg. As a progression straighten the leg and hold it off of the floor slightly. Perform the exercise slowly and with control. Never hold your breath.

Perform 3 sets of 8 to 15 repetitions, 3 times per week.

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