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How to use a Putting Gate for practice

Here is a great drill to help you strike the ball out the centre of the clubface which is critical when putting.

Did you realise that if your path of your stroke was perfect and your clubface was square but you hit the ball out of the toe or heel of the putter you would have a 95% chance of missing your putt due to the pace being off.

For this simple drill place two tee pegs just wider apart than the head of your putter and practice striking putts from between the pegs. The objective is to avoid striking the pegs which will help you to strike the ball more consistently out of the middle of the clubface and lead to you making more putts.

If you struggle at first have the pegs a bit wider, and gradually as you improve, narrow them in towards your putter until you need minimal room as your putting stroke becomes more and more consistent.

Enjoy your practice.

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