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Understanding superfoods: Sorting the facts from the myths!

How many of us truly know what a ‘superfood’ is?

Or which of these supposed ‘superfoods’ actually show true to their health claims?

The term gets batted around so commonly these days that is leaves many people perplexed about which are actually beneficial. In this article, I’ll be sharing some of the latest nutritional research with you and helping you bust the ‘superfood’ myths!

‘Superfoods’ = foods naturally rich in antioxidants (chemicals with protective effects from cell damaging free radicals aka what causes cancer) e.g. vitamin C and those high in omega 3 fatty acids.

10 most commonly perceived as ‘superfoods’:

1. Blueberries

2. Goji berries

3. Chocolate

4. Oily fish

5. Wheatgrass

6. Pomegranates

7. Green Tea

8. Broccoli

9. Garlic

10. Beetroot

Blueberries: FACT

Studies show that eating 3 portions of blueberries a week can reduced the risk of heart attack by up to 32% compared to those who ate no blueberries at all, they are also shown to reduce cancer! Try adding a handful to your morning cereal, smoothie or as a quick and low calorie snack to seep the benefits.

Goji Berries: MYTH

Despite claims that these berries improve immunity and lengthen life expectancy, evidence into goji berries is very weak and health claims should be taken with caution! They are still a great source of vitamin A but are a costly alternative to other berries such as strawberries which contain just as much.

Chocolate: FACT

Evidence shows that dark chocolate lowers short term blood pressure, can lower the risk of coronary heart diseases and it is also a great stress reliever (we’ve all reached for a bar after a bad day at work!) but make sure it’s just a few squares of DARK chocolate as white and milk chocolate contain high amount of sugar and fat so can easily make you pile on the pounds.

Oily Fish: FACT

It has been found that oily fish (such as salmon and mackerel) can lower blood pressure, reduced cardiovascular disease risk and reduce fatty build up in the arteries. It is currently recommended by health professionals to eat 2 portions of oily fish a week to get the full benefits, don’t forget that tinned fish also counts so you don’t have to break the bank to enjoy this ‘superfood’.

Wheatgrass: MYTH

This leafy green contains vitamin A, C, E, iron, calcium and magnesium so is definitely bursting with nutrients! But is it as good as it seems and worthy of being called a ‘superfood’? Sadly, no! Despite claims to increase the production of red blood cells and reduce colon inflammation, evidence is inconclusive and very weak for any real benefits of eating it. Don’t disregard it completely though, adding a shot to your favourite smoothie still contributes towards your 5 a day and micronutrient intake.

Pomegranates: FACT

These bright red fruits are definitely super! With research showing pomegranates to reduce prostate cancer, cholesterol and improve blood flow! Add a few teaspoons to your salad to seep the benefits.

Green Tea: MYTH

Contrary to popular belief, green tea does not aid in weight loss, however there is significant evidence to show that it can aid in lowering cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases. Not as ‘super’ as some may think, but it’s still a much healthier alternative to black tea with milk and 2 sugars!

Don’t forget that ‘superfoods’ don’t work by themselves, incorporate them as part of a healthy, balanced diet and frequent exercise to truly get the benefits of consuming them!

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