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Abductor Theraband Exercise

This exercise helps to strengthen and tone the muscles and bones of the outer thigh and hips (Abductor). It improves the muscles which aid balance. We use these muscles whenever we step sideways (like a crab).

To perform the exercise you need to sit at the front third of a sturdy chair (such as a dining chair). Ensure your back is straight and you have tension in your core/tummy muscles throughout. Start with your knees and feet together and wrap the theraband around your legs (just above your knees). Go onto your tip toes to help you pass the band under your thighs. Keep the band taut and place your hands on it to hold it secure. Now take your feet and knees to hip width apart. Keep your feet flat on the floor but take the knees further apart, making the band stretch more. Hold for a second and then slowly return to the start position. Never hold your breath when exercising.

To progress with this exercise you can either take the feet wider apart, use a tougher band, pull the bad tighter around the thighs or do it slower.

If you cannot wrap the band around your thighs you can fold it in half once or twice and hold it on top of the legs instead.

You should aim to do between 1 and 3 sets of 8 to 15 repetitions.

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