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The Importance of Flexibility

These days the time available for a workout can be limited. Between jobs, family and friend commitments and everything else you have to fit in to your day, it can become a challenge to save that hour for your health.

The problem with this, is that we end up wanting to spend that hour exercising. This can lead to no warmup, and not stretching out after too.

No warmup is something that can be worked around. If it is a cardio workout, you just start off a little bit slower before you go full pace, with weights, you do a 'working set' with a lighter weight before grabbing the heavy stuff. It is still much better to be able to spend the time on making sure you are warming up properly, for example, the (very important) muscle i see almost always skipped in a warmup: the rotator cuff. If people would spend a few minutes on this little muscle before starting any weights, it would do the world of good to your shoulders.

The problem comes towards the end of the workout. You have squeezed in them few extra sets to really get the most from your workout and have run out of time.

IF you have great technique, you may be able to work on your range of motion and therefore stretch a bit while you were actually training. But this is not enough.

You should always try to dedicate time for a thorough stretch at the end of a workout. It is also beneficial to spend time with a foam roller (as long as you know how to use it properly!).

A lack of flexibility can have a serious knock on effect around the body. One example that is very common, is lower back pain being caused by tight hamstrings. This is not to say we all need to walk around with the flexibility of gymnasts, as being overly flexible can also have its issues. But the point is to have a good range of motion throughout your joints. Mobility is something that if you dont use it, you will lose it. So it is worth making sure it is used after every you reach for them toes!

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