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Seated Tricep Extension with a Theraband

The purpose of this exercise is to strengthen the Triceps (back of the upper arm), rear deltoid (back of shoulder) and Traepzius (upper back). It will also strengthen the bones of the spine and wrist.

It helps you when pushing yourself up from a chair or by using the arms to slowly lower you down into a chair with control or when pushing heavy objects.

Sit at the front third of a firm chair (such as a dining chair). Have your knees over your ankles at hip width apart (90 degrees at the hip and knee). You need to sit tall with a little tension in the abdominals. Ensure you have both feet on one end of the band and hold the other end in one hand (the other hand should hold the edge of the seat for support). Your thumb should be facing forward so that the ‘ponytail’ of the band is at the back by your little finger. This ensures that the band does not cut across your knuckles. Keep the arm straight and body still as you slowly take the arm backwards, leading from the little finger. Slowly return to the start position. Ensure that the arm stays close to the chair and body, and that your wrists are firm and straight throughout.

Don’t forget to do the other arm too!

Never hold your breath when exercising.

Start with 1 set of 8- 15 repetitions.

For progression: you can move the hand further along the band for increased tension, hold the arm back for 3-5 seconds before returning to the start position, use a higher level of resistance band or increase the number of repetitions and sets.

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