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Optimising your core training

Luke Barden Headshot.png 2014-8-1-9:7:34

A lot of people make the mistake of being very repetative with their core training. Crunches, sit-ups, the occasional plank. These moves will not be making the best use of your time.

To properly train your core, you have to understand how it works.

You can work the core in three ways.


To contract the core you are pulling the ribs towards the pelvis, or the pelvis to the ribs. Examples would be: crunches, leg raises, knee tucks.


Twisting the body, so keeping the lower body still and twisting the upper body, or the other way round. Examples would be: med ball twists, russian twists.

Isometric hold

Holding the body in position with a neutral spine will need tension from the whole core. Examples include: Plank, Squats, Deadlifts.

To start with, isolate one of these three methods when chosing your core exercises. As you advance however, you can start combining them to really challenge your bodies abilities and see huge advances in your cores strength.

Contact me for any further information or any questions you may have.

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